Acknowledgments & Credits
A heartfelt thank you to all contributors, this magazine would not have been possible without their continued collaboration and commitment. Each contribution is the result of multiple conversations and exchanges, many occurring over several years, reinforcing the importance of another capital – of time, affection, and dedication –, a priceless energy for which we are deeply grateful.
To authors and contributors
Brazil: Angela Mascelani, Anita Sobar, Cintya Ferreira, Cristina Seixas, Daniela Name, Diana Kolker, Diego Zelota, Dudu, Fabio Tremonte, Gabriel de Souza Vieira, Gabriela Bandeira, Gaby, Izabela Pucu, Izadora, Jeff Medeiros, Jessica Barbosa, Joyce Maravilha, Joana Mazza, Julio Verztman, Karina, Kaylane Rodrigues, Kaylanne, Kênia Maia, Larissa, Laura Lima, Leandro Almeida, Lívia Moura, Luiz Guilherme Barbosa, Madalena Vaz Pinto, Maria Clara Zameii, Maria Clara Carrielo, Maria Ignês Albuquerque, Mariana de Lima Silva, Mauricio Dias, Pedro Sá Morais, Priscilla Grimberg, Raquel Danielli Mota, Renata Bazilia, Renata Targino, Sandro Rodrigues, Tania Kolker, Thais, Thiago Haule e Walter Riedweg.
Cyprus: Alev Adil, Chyrstalleni Loizidou, Hüseyin Özinal and Twenty Three. In particular the co-editors of the case study Esra Plumer and Evanthia Tselika “Talking across the Cypriot Buffer Zone: Making the Invisible Visible.” AA_U, EMAA, Free School, Hands on Famagusta, NeME, Pikadilli, ReAfrodite, Rooftop Theatre Group, Sidestreet Culture, Studio 21, Urban Gorillas, Visual Voices e Xarkis.
Ireland: Anne Mulhall, Bernie Masterson, Doutsje Nouta, Reverend Val Rodgers, Seamus McGuinness, Vukasin Nedeljkovic and Willem Van Goor. In particular Helen O’Donoghue co-editor of the case study “Unveiling the Hidden: Socially Engaged Art Practice in Ireland”
Scotland: Caroline Gausden
Chile: José Santos Herceg and Maria Carolina Pizarro Cortes
France: Sandrine Teixido
Mexico: Mayra Martell
Institutions and organizations:
All the collaborators of the community organization Casa Museu Rancho Verde, in particular to the coordinators Maria Ignês Albuquerque and Priscila Grimberg and the mutual affections built over many years.
Glasgow Women’s Library and the participation of Caroline Gausden and to University of St. Andrews, Scoltand via a research stipend, generously offered by Caroline, supporting the translation of Caroline’s article into Portuguese.
The Irish Embassy in Brazil – for their translation support of texts into Portuguese –, in particular Declan Heery and Mr. Ambassador Seán Hoy.
Rede Unida [Collective Health Network] – for supporting the translation of the text by Seamus McGuiness and for transmitting the release –, in particular Túlio Franco and Daniel Bastos.
Meta Tradução Simultânea (MTS) for their collaboration in the simultaneous translation of the live launch of and the interpreters in training Adriana Ferreira Heery, Patrícia Finelli, Graça Pinheiro, Anahi Soares e Silva and teachers Raquel Ilha and Otto Mendonça.
The Institute for Advanced Studies (IDEA) of the University of Santiago de Chile through the participation of José Santos Herceg and Maria Carolina Pizarro Cortes and their research project entitled Tortura: concepto y experiencia (Fondecyt 1180001, 2018-20), which supported the translation of their articles into Portuguese and English.
The Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Contemporâneas das Artes da Universidade Federal Fluminense [Graduate Program in Contemporary Studies of the Arts] at Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) through the collaboration of students and alumni of the program: Gabriela Bandeira, Lívia Moura, Leo Alves, Jeff Medeiros and Anita Sobar; and the participation of professors Jorge Vasconcellos, Luiz Sérgio Oliveira and Walmeri Ribeiro in the launch live programs. In particular, Tania Rivera, with whom co-editor Jessica Gogan is working on postdoctoral research supporting by a PNPD / CAPES grant.
To Editorial and Production Staff and Support
Thais Miranda for the impeccable translation of texts from English to Portuguese.
Rafael Zacca for the accurate and precious Portuguese copy editing.
For the digital production of Criamente and dedication of Eric Saboya.
Caroline Bellomo and Marianna Kutassy for their production and organizational support
6th edition editors
Jessica Gogan
Luiz Guilherme Vergara
Editorial coordination
Jessica Gogan
Executive production
Sabrina Curi
Site design
Criamente (6th issue)
MESA Visual Identity
Dupla Design
Communication assistant
Caroline Bellomo
Copy Editing
Rafael Zacca (Portuguese)
(English – Portuguese) Thais Miranda
(Portuguese – English) Jessica Gogan
(Spanish – Portuguese)
– Thais Miranda (José Santos Herceg’s article)
– Mila Araujo (Carolina Pizarro Cortes article)
(Spanish – English)
– Diego Cabezas (José Santos Herceg’s article)
– Carolina Pizarro Cortes (Carolina Pizarro Cortes’s article)
Alexandre Sandeville (Interview – Maurício Dias and Walter Riedweg)
Launch Program – Lives
Luiz Guilherme Vergara e Jessica Gogan
Marianna Kutassy
Production assistant
Caroline Bellomo
Technical assistance
Lucas Rodrigues
Alexandre Sandeville
Rede Unida
Embaixada da Irlanda no Brasil
Meta Tradução Simultânea (Adriana Ferreira Heery, Patrícia Finelli, Graça Pinheiro, Anahi Soares e Silva, Raquel Ilha e Otto Mendonça)
Made possible by
Instituto MESA
Call for Prize Emergency Call nº1 / 2020 – “Retomada Cultural RJ”
Federal Government, State Government of Rio de Janeiro, State Secretary of Culture and Creative Economy of Rio de Janeiro through the Aldir Blanc Law.
ISSN: 2319-0264
Cover Images
Casa Museu Rancho Verde. Photo: Leandro Almeida
Ulisses Pereira Chaves (Jequitinhonha Valley, Minas Gerais) Untitled, 1970s. Photo: Lucas Van de Beuque, Pontal Museum Collection
Jeff Medeiros. Sustento, 2020. Trowel.
Seamus McGuinness. 21g, installation, 2003. Photo: Marcus Conunahan
Twenty Three – Fights in Αlásia. Katydata Village Windcraft Festival 2019.
Memorial honoring the missing of the Chilean dictatorship (Museo de la Memoria, Chile). Photo: Aton Agency.
“Destempos”. Installation photo at the entrance of the exhibition. Photo: Tania Kolker
Dias and Riedweg, Corpo Santo, 2012. Frame.
Mini bios editorial and production
Jessica Gogan is a curator, researcher, educator and director of Instituto MESA in Rio de Janeiro and coordinating editor of Revista MESA. She holds a doctorate in art history from the University of Pittsburgh, USA(2016). Her research explores the interfaces between art and society with a focus on the intersections of artistic, clinical, and pedagogical practices and models of non-exhibition based collaborative and collective work. She was director of education and curator of special projects at the Andy Warhol Museum (USA) and is currently a collaborating professor in the Graduate Program in Contemporary Studies of the Arts at Universidade Federal Fluminense where she is also a PNPD / CAPES postdoctoral fellow.
Luiz Guilherme Vergara. Prof. PhD. Associate professor in the Department of Art of Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Coordinator of the Undergraduate art program and professor in the Graduate Program in Contemporary Studies of the Arts. He coordinates the research group: Contemporary Interflows – Art and Society – CNPq, exploring curatorial and contemporary practices embracing transdisciplinary, environmental, social and pedagogical artistic processes. Curator / director of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Niterói (MAC) from 2005-2008 and 2013-2016. He is co-founder of Instituto MESA and co-editor of Revista MESA.
Sabrina Curi. Co-founder and general coordinator of Instituto MESA. Graduated in Cultural Production at Universidade Federal Fluminense (2002). Development Director at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Niterói (2013-2017) and cultural producer, she is production coordinator for Revista MESA and of the publications: Flipping/ Revisiting Pop (2019) and Domingos da Criação: a poetic collection of the experimental in art and education (2017) and the seminar and project, International Seminar Flipping /Revisiting Pop (2017 / MAM-SP), and the Art Care project (2016- 2017). She also was production coordinator for the Experimental Nucleus of Education and Art of MAM-RJ (2009-2013), educational program for the exhibition Hélio Oiticica – “Museum is the World” (Paço Imperial / Casa França Brasil, 2010) and the project O Sentido do Público na Arte (Publicness in Art) (2013-2014 Funarte Award).
Caroline Bellomo. Cultural Producer graduated from Universidade Federal Fluminense, she obtained experiences in the fields of arts, museums and relationships. Was part of the team at the Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Niterói as a production of activities and exhibitions assistant, worked with Instituto MESA as a production and research assistant and was an institutional relations assistant at the Museu de Arte do Rio for 3 years with a focus on sponsorship and partnerships.
Copy editing
Rafael Zacca is a poet and critic and prrofessor in the philosophy department at PUC-Rio. He published O menor amor do mundo (7Letras, 2020), A estreita artéria das coisas (Garupa, 2018) and Mini Marx (7Letras, 2016), also published in Argentina by Grumo. He is the co-author of the Almanac rebolado, written collaboratively by the Experimental Poetry Workshop. He collaborates with Jornal Rascunho and Revista Pessoa. He is part of the coletivo oficina matéria-prima (collective raw material workshop) co-authors of the book Antígona morreu então eu preciso falar com você. He also teaches poetry workshops at 7Letras publishing house.
Thais Miranda is a translates English, French and Spanish into Portuguese, her mother tongue. She holds a law degree from PUC-Rio and a postgraduate degree in translation from the same university. Currently, she is a student in the post-graduate course in Interpretation at PUC-Rio and in the Masters in Terminology at Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
The content of the articles is the sole responsibility of the authors. Reproduction, total or partial, without prior authorization is prohibited. All rights reserved to the authors.
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