The education program Experiences in the Labyrinth inaugurated a territory for participation and multiplication of art/education processes based on the legacy of Hélio Oiticica’s art practices and ideas during the exhibition Hélio Oiticica: Museum is the World that took place in Rio de Janeiro from September 11 - November 21, 2010. The exhibition took place at two institutions – Casa França-Brasil and Paço Imperial – and was also located in five outdoor installations throughout the city. The program experimented with diverse educational processes and in particular explored the sensorial features of Oiticica’s work. Drawing on the artist’s own concepts and writings, such as “experiment the experimental,” “constructive will” and “artist as proposer” along with the multi-sensorial nature of his work, we experimented with a diverse team of mediators, including young people from socio-cultural NGOs, art students, as well as blind people with the goal of exploring different propositional formats and dialogues to accompany and engage the public’s exploration of the artworks. We also worked with a number of contemporary artists (Analu Cunha, João Modé, Ronald Duarte, Ricardo Basbaum and Andrea Jabor) who participated and led encounters exploring Oiticica’s works and ideas.
“Open Houses” invited teachers from public and private schools to engage in and deepen their knowledge of Oiticica’s work. This initiative also generated a digital publication with suggestions and proposals for pedagogic activities. Other encounters included the exploration of specific themes such as early childhood education, environmental education and education for artists each involving different educators, artists and choreographers. The project closed with the seminar The Legacy of Hélio Oiticica for Education.
Blog (Portuguese only)
Experiences in the Labyrinth – Hélio Oiticica: the museum is the world
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Paço Imperial, Casa França-Brasil
September 11 - November 21, 2010
Jessica Gogan and Luiz Guilherme Vergara: Coordinators
Sabrina Curi: Producer
Ana Paula Chaves and Maíra Dias: Mediator Coordinators
Analu Cunha: Coordinator of “Open Houses” & special encounters
Eduardo Machado: researcher education material
Igor Valente: research assistant
Taisa Moreno: production assistant
Caroline Reis: production trainee
Invited artists/researchers
Andrea Jabor
Andre Renaud
Fernando Codeço
Gabriela Gusmão
João Modé
Ricardo Basbaum
Ronald Duarte
Virginia Motta
Invited researcher: (legacy of Oiticica for education)
Fred Coelho
Amanda Melo
André Renaud
Bárbara da Lira Rocha
Camila Rangel
Camila Alves
Careny Pereira
Fernando Codeço
Gabriella de Amorim Gen
Gisele Alves Lannes
Hudson Wallace Ângelo da Silva
Inês Chada
Julia Pombo
Juliana de Moura
Leonardo Loureiro
Leonardo Oscar
Marcela Rocha
Mariane Morais
Monique Caroline dos Santos
Natalia de Oliveira Mendes
Rodrigo de Oliveira Paes
Stefânia Paiva
Thainá Timóteo
Thaís Cardoso Simões
Vinicius Padilha Carr
Virgínia Menezes de Souza
Wallace de Lima
Wilson Junior
Instituto Benjamin Constant
Cognition and Collective Research Group, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
EAV Parque Lage
Pimpolhos da Grande Rio
Federal Fluminense University
Experimental Nucleus of Education & Art, MAM-Rio