In December 2016 Instituto MESA launched the first in a new series of MESA Podcasts featuring interviews and discussions with artists, educators and researchers. Developed in collaboration with the Museum of Contemporary Art of Niterói (MAC), the 1st MESA Podcast addresses questions of environmental art and social activism related to the exhibition Baía de Guanabara: Águas e Vidas Escondidas (Guanabara Bay: Hidden Lives and Waters) held at MAC from August 6 to November 6, 2016.
Podcast #1
The exhibition celebrated the environmental vocation of MAC as part of the museum’s 20th anniversary, drawing on critic Mário Pedrosa and the artist Hélio Oiticica idea of an “environmental” art as inseparable from the world as a practice that embraces a new ethic. The exhibition strove to integrate displays of diverse artistic, activist and research initiatives around the Guanabara Bay region as well as stimulate a range of socio-environmental projects “irradiating” in various environments and communities of the Bay area. The exhibition and irradiations projects featured the participation of artists, educators, activists and researchers: Adriana Varejão, Annie Costner, Aurelien Gamboni and Sandrine Teixido, Re Aphrodite Collective, Fábio Miguez, Fernando Moraes, Gabriela Bandeira and Rodrigo Freitas, Ignês Albuquerque, Priscila Grimberg and Hernandez José da Silva, Katie Van Scherpenberg, Lia do Rio and Enrique Banfi, Lívia Moura, Martha Niklaus, Mercedes Lachmann, Nelson Leirner, Nuno Sacramento (with Scottish Scultpure Workshop, Favela Observatory, MACquinho, Campos Avançado), Paulo Paes, Pierre Crapez, Regina de Paula, Rodrigo Braga and Ronald Duarte.
MESA Podcast # 1 presents perspectives on the exhibition and related projects through the voices of artists and collaborators who were able to participate on the day of the recording on November 5, 2016, despite a significant storm in Rio de Janeiro. Many thanks to: Rodrigo Braga, Pierre Crapez, Ignês Albuquerque, Regina de Paula, Lia do Rio, Martha Niklaus, Mercedes Lachmann and Breno Platais.
Sound Track: Guilherme Vaz. "Homen andando no Cerrado"
Audio Edition: Cyro Neto/REC Recordings
Special Thanks: Denise Adams
Coordination: Instituto MESA
Collaboration: Luiz Guilherme Vergara and MAC Niterói
For more information on the exhibition and some of the artists and projects represented see:
Baía de Guanabara: Águas e Vidas Escondidas no MAC Niterói
Adriana Varejão
Casa Museu Rancho Verde
Coletivo Re Aphrodite
Fernando Moraes
Gabriela Bandeira
Lia do Rio
Martha Niklaus
Mercedes Lachmann
Nelson Leirner
Paulo Paes
Rodrigo Braga